import { Lens } from "";
Find entities that match the given search criteria.
The search criteria is a JSON object that may contain properties from the data schema. In addition you can specify how many results to return and how many to skip for pagination purposes.
Example 1
Example 1
import { createLens } from "ldkit";
import { schema } from "ldkit/namespaces";
// Create a schema
const PersonSchema = {
"@type": schema.Person,
} as const;
// Create a resource using the data schema above
const Persons = createLens(PersonSchema);
// Find 100 persons with name that starts with "Ada"
const persons = await Persons.find({
where: {
name: { $strStarts: "Ada" },
take: 100,
options: { where?: SchemaSearchInterface<T> | string | RDF.Quad[]; take?: number; skip?: number; } = [UNSUPPORTED]Search criteria and pagination options